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Long Tunnels

Long Tunnels

In OW the entrance is in Aston opposite Seymour  

This area is a continuous repeatable challenge. Reward is a choice of regular or Military experience. 

Quite useful if you need to get your Gov missions back in line with your level.

Be sure you have enough HP for the task, creepers have high perception stealth is of no use. 

You must kill creepers in each section of tunnel to open wall to progress,

The tunnels are random layout different for each player  maps are of no use ( The layout is simple so path finding is easy)

There are several special circumstances in force here

1)     Magic Shield does not work

2)     Potions do not work if drank inside (a stat potion drank before entering stays in effect)

3)     Heal does not work

The creepers will start at min level 10, or 10 below your level whichever is higher.

For those over lvl 120 the creepers will start at lvl 110

Death here is like RWW, you keep equipment and get 40 negs

Each level can be done 20 times max after that it will be skipped

Experience is reduced each time you repeat the same level,

Exp = (1/no of times you have done the level) x100%

eg first time (1/1)x100 = 100%  20th time (1/20)x100 = 5%

The Green Pillar gives Regular Experience and teleports you out

The Red Pillar gives Military Experience and teleports you out

Shift R clicking on a pillar tells you what it gives and how many times you have already done that section

The Door bets all the exp on the next level (+1)  and teleports you into it. Fail and you lose all.

Notes From the Field.... info received from players
if you are in long tunnels and your hp is 50 and you have a stat pot thats +25, thats 75 hp.  Ok if your stat pot runs out and you use another one, even if you dont have one hp gone, it will not go back up to 75.  I just went through 3 door working on 4 straight tunnel and my pot went out and i clicked on new one and it did nothing.........Ironblaadee / Mdl

Each Tunnel consists of 4 sections:
Section 1:
There are 3 roads to choose from:
1 road will have 13 tunnel creepers.
1 road will have 9 tunnel creepers.
1 road will have 5 tunnel creepers.
All 3 roads will give access to the next section.

Section 2:
There are 3 roads to choose from:
All 3 roads will have 6 tunnel creepers.
Only 1 road will give you access to the next section.

Section 3:
There are 3 roads to choose from:
2 roads will have 10 tunnel creepers.
1 road will have 4 tunnel creepers.
All 3 roads will give access to the next section.

Section 4:
There are 2 roads to choose from:
Both roads will have 18 tunnel creepers.
Only 1 road will give you access to the columns.





1)   Take a recall....  it's the only way out except lagging or dying if you cannot reach the section end.

2)   Raise those HitPoints...    you'll die quickly without them

3)   Use Freeze / WC to cut down on damage you take

4)   Entrance door to 1st section restores ALL hitpoints.

5)   Entrance door to subsequent  sections restores PARTIAL hitpoints.


Last Edited Wednesday January 27, 2010 12:11:27 AM