Each section contains an
Ice Key that will open the Locked Doors. The Key however Melts so be
sure and use it quickly. Each Fire Pit has a scroll by it, the scroll
returns you to that particular fire pit. Looking at the scroll however
does not tell you which fire pit it will return you to. Be sure you
arrange them in inventory so you can tell which is which, and DON'T use
the SORT command. If you are frozen by ice Demons you will need to
go to a Fire Pit to completely thaw out. There are 8 IU Teleport Stations
listed on teleporter (but
only #4-8 are available), they are numbered on the maps.
Ruby is in Level 52. to
the right of Teleport 8, she's cold and needs a fire scroll.
The locked chest
just to the right of
Teleport 7, contains a Fireball Reflect Ring (min lvl 35). Key to
chest is dropped by
demon at 180,114 ( Darker Purple dot in Ruby Maze SE of Teleport 8)
Other Treasures,
■ are listed
For path thru teleport labyrinth in lower right corner
of map, be sure to follow the dotted line exactly. Teleport Doors are numbered to
show links. There are 4 AK in teleport section.
Use a downloaded copy of map in a paint program so you
can check your coords in teleport maze and find out where you are especially
when looking for AK.
The green
Arrow by Teleport 6 is the entrance to IU2 area, when you pass through you will loose all fire scrolls in your
The Grey Roman Numerals in long corridors
leading to AK are the level of the demons in that corridor. |