Earth Underground |
The main goal
in EU is to collect Ancient Knowledge.
There are 30 books of AK to be found here.
They allow you to use Words of Power, found in the diaries, which
give protection against Demon Acid
# |
Location |
# |
Location |
# |
Location |
# |
Location |
# |
Location |
1 |
236 |
197 |
7 |
124 |
245 |
13 |
20 |
112 |
19 |
9 |
22 |
25 |
205 |
12 |
2 |
135 |
240 |
8 |
47 |
208 |
14 |
54 |
73 |
20 |
3 |
40 |
26 |
192 |
28 |
3 |
241 |
176 |
9 |
80 |
202 |
15 |
39 |
68 |
21 |
79 |
10 |
27 |
192 |
84 |
4 |
241 |
178 |
10 |
53 |
185 |
16 |
21 |
77 |
22 |
107 |
10 |
28 |
222 |
71 |
5 |
106 |
56 |
11 |
53 |
181 |
17 |
8 |
58 |
23 |
143 |
26 |
29 |
222 |
27 |
6 |
142 |
214 |
12 |
38 |
135 |
18 |
42 |
40 |
24 |
163 |
34 |
30 |
221 |
48 |
Diary's and Words of Power:
# |
Location |
# |
Location |
# |
Location |
Words of
The Words
of Power (WP) are different for each player . Daylight destroys the
protection so be sure to say the highest word you know each time you
enter EU.
The number after each is the max amount of AK
the word can use
Set up simple aliases for your words of power as they are
hard to remember and type. |
1 |
241 |
231 |
Clue |
5 |
131 |
133 |
WP-05 |
9 |
4 |
10 |
WP-20 |
2 |
241 |
217 |
Map 1 |
6 |
76 |
176 |
Map 2 |
10 |
166 |
34 |
WP-25 |
3 |
221 |
230 |
Clue |
7 |
53 |
183 |
WP-10 |
4 |
237 |
239 |
Islena |
8 |
16 |
114 |
WP-15 |
Tribe of Isara Lvl 15 Demons and Main Cavern Lvl 15 & 17 Demons
In this
first section the Teleport proves very useful in changing mirrors for Pents,
and gets a lot of traffic. You find your first book of Ancient knowledge(
Min lvl 15 required ),
and other info, but to proceed further you must turn off the defenses and
the room is locked. You will find the key on a demon (15) in south part
of main cavern. While you are down that way get the book of AK (135.240)
Unlock door flip switch and move on quickly, it resets after a short while.
When you go to the two books of AK down the long loop on right hand
side (241.176 241,178) remember to pick up your first word of power at
(131,133) set up the alias, and use it immediately, on the way in, and take a recall scroll... defenses will
have reset by the time you get back Recall or lag out, return to EU,
reset defenses again and cross into area outside Tribe of Cerasa. You
should have AK = 4 at this point In the South part of the cavern there
are 5 books of AK to get (Lvl 17 demons here) As soon as you get each
one say your words of power to take advantage of your increased AK. You should have 9 AK after completing this area. |
Tribe of Cerasa Lvl 17 Demons
On entering
the tribe of Cerasa the first thing to do is go right, and touch the
transporter. Then read the diary in first hallway, go SW around corridor and
get 2 books of AK and your next Word of Power(10), You should set up the
alias and use it immediately Continue past the Demon Gate... go down
the corridor and find and touch the Cerasa Maze Teleport picking up
another AK to bring your total to 12 |
Cerasa Maze Lvl 20 Demons
In the maze
there are 3 keys needed for the gate to the teleport. Some of the Demons (Darker Purple Dots) drop green crystals, get as many as you can they
will protect you from the Defenses firing green FB in the next section.
After finding 3 Keys,
(and 3 AK, remember to say Word of Power after each one) go to gate to teleport pick up another AK, (16 total now) and
touch Teleport for Cerasa Tunnels Get your Word of Power (15) and use it
immediately. |
Cerasa Tunnels Lvl 21 Demons
In the
Cerasa Tunnels you will need the Green Crystals from the previous section to
protect you from the Defenses. Use Fast mode but plan you moves carefully,
pay attention to areas covered by the defenses. 4 AK here bringing total to 20 .
At the end just before Zalina Entrance Teleport get your Word of Power (20)
use it immediately then touch the Zalina Entrance Teleport in the next room |
Zalina Entrance & Ruby (Orange Crystal) Lvl 22 Demons
There is a
demon here right outside the teleport exit. If you turn on Stealth you can
LB him from the door and you don't get the acid pool or rain. This
Stealth Range attack is useful from here to end of EU. Move in and go
South, Kill Demons in the Cavern Maze, some of them will drop large yellow
crystals, get 1 for Ruby and at least 4 more to use in next section, ( get a
few extra) Go see Ruby, give her a Crystal, then proceed into
building. In here the Crystals activate the closed doors, but they
also turn on the defenses. Remember those sliding word puzzles, well
you get to move crates to block the defensive fire. In the first cross
corridor there is a door at NE end, Next to it is a Gray Cylinder this is a
Teleport, touch it and it takes you, and anyone with you, to the
Crystal Loader for that section. Drop a Crystal and head back up the
corridor, note the defense cannon to your right as you cross the main
corridor, go in door at top, get AK and get out. if the crystal runs out
while you are in a room you will be locked in and heed to lag or recall out
(Did I say always have a recall scroll here?) Go back to where the
Defense Cannon is firing, either wait for it to stop, or if you are feeling
quick and lucky run past it (Slow = Dead) Ahead of you is a long corridor
with 3 defense stations off to left, maneuver Crates by pushing them (Shift
L click from side opposite the direction you want to move it) Each
station requires 3 crates placed in a line as close as possible to the
cannon, plan your moves before starting, when they are all in place use
teleport to get to loading station, and go back and get book of AK in end
room The 3rd Puzzle requires the 2 crates to be right next to the cannon
blocking 2 sides, same routine with Teleport & Crystal The last Crate Puzzle
requires setting up a U shape to block the cannon, again same routine with
Teleport & Crystal walk back and enter last room for AK #4 here
bringing total to 24 You get your last EU Word of Power (25) here also |
Tribe of Zalina Lvl 26 Demons ( Again don't come here without a recall
There are 6 AK here
bringing total to 30 from EU This section is best done as a
group, bring at least 6 Large Orange Crystals. When you open the
door from the Teleport everyone needs to be in Stealth mode and LB or
FB that first Demon (Otherwise he will immediately Acid Pool you where you stand) ,
If you have a strong mage with high immunity have him go
straight down corridor and kill Demons as they spawn at the spawner. (If you
do not do this as you kill each Demon a new one will spawn and make his way
to replace the one you killed, which can be very inconvenient) The rest of the party can
then pick off the demons in the corridors at long range avoiding the acid
rain and pools ( they are very nasty here) Put the crystals in the loader, Get AK
from rooms, repeat crystal load as many times as needed ( 3-4) then everyone
can leave via the passage to FU. You are done 30 AK from EU |
Last Edited
Monday, December 07, 2009 08:20:54 PM |