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The 4 Attributes

The 4 Attributes

The Base Attributes....          Wisdom,   Intuition,   Agility,   Strength.

These four attributes are used to calculate bonuses for all other skills.  Each Skill or Spell is based on three of the attributes. The actual calculation involves adding the 3 attribute mods together and dividing by 5.   Thus the formulae becomes:- 

Skill/Spell base + (Attr1+Attr2+Attr3)/5 + Magical Modifier .

Magical modifiers ( Magic + items and Potions) can only add up to  Skill/spell Base /2  any extra is ignored

Profession bonuses are added to the Base Attributes and the resulting increases affects all other skills / spells

( Master DW/LW gets a 15 point increase to Base Attributes which translates into a (15+15+15)/5 = 9 point increase in skills / spells as a result.)

( Master CW gets a 30 point increase to Base Attributes which translates into a (30+30+30)/5 = 18 point increase in skills / spells while in clan areas.)

CW and LW/DW will stack for an overall 27 point increase skills / spells. 

The Mage

Speed Agil Agil Str
Dagger Agil Int Str
Hand 2 Hand Agil Str Str
Staff Agil Int Str
Bless Wis Int Int
Heal Wis Int Int
Freeze Wis Int Int
Magic Shield Wis Int Int
Lightning Wis Int Int
Fire Wis Int Int
Pulse Wis Int Int
Bartering Wis Int Int
Perception Wis Int Int
Stealth Agil Agil Int
Meditate Wis Wis Wis
Immunity Wis Int Str
Duration  (Arch Mage Only) Wis Int Str
The Warrior
Speed Agil Agil Str
Dagger Agil Int Str
Hand 2 Hand Agil Str Str
Sword Agil Int Str
2 Handed Agil Str Str
Armor Skill Agil Agil Str
Attack Agil Int Str
Parry Agil Int Str
Warcry Agil Int Str
Tactics Agil Int Str
Surround Hit Agil Int Str
Body Control * Agil Int Str
Speed Skill Agil Int Str
Bartering Wis Int Int
Perception Wis Int Int
Stealth Agil Agil Int
Regenerate Str Str Str
Immunity Wis Int Str
Rage  (Arch Warrior Only) Str Str Int
* each raise in BC mod also gives 0.25 to Armor
Last Edited Tuesday, May 21, 2024
hoi this is attributes